5 Moth Facts You Need To Know

Moths come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are flying insects. Moths came in brown, gray, white, and black colors with different patterns and designs on their wings. When the moth rests they keep their wings in a flat position. 

It has been found that many animals are known to feed on moths and butterflies but especially nocturnal predators feast on moths. Other animals which are active at night such as owls, bats, flying mammals, and lizards eat moths. In certain countries, grizzly bears eat them too and some people also consider their option for their meal. You can hire Pest Treatment Coast if you want to control them. The average life period of the moth is 8 months but it also depends upon their survival strategy.

moth removal
moth removal

Here are the facts about moth you need to know:

  • Moths can smell without a nose

Moths can smell without their nose and they have an incredible sense of smell. The male moth uses his antennae to smell the female moth as far as 7 kilometers. They smell the female moth’s sex hormone. To determine the reproductive fitness of male moths, female moths use the scent of male pheromones.

  • Some moths don’t have mouths

In the adult stage many moth species don’t eat. When the moth transforms into an adult lays eggs, dies, and doesn’t eat during that time. Without a mouth, some moths emerge from the coco. 

  • Moth outnumber butterflies

Moth control is really important because as compared to butterflies the moth species are nine times more. Compared with the 17500 species of butterflies, there are almost 16000 species of moths in the world. 

  • Some moths don’t even look like a moth

To avoid danger moths are known to mimic and impersonate other animals. Sometimes moths transfer themselves to tarantulas or wasps. They even turn themselves into espionage when they want to hide.

  • Moth loves beer

You can easily see the moth by standing near an outdoor light after dark. Moths also hang up near the light and a white sheet next to the light is a good place to spot moths. However, if you want to control the moths at night then mix a paste of beer, ripe banana, and brown sugar and paint it onto the bark of a tree. 


For pollination, the night-blooming flowers usually depend on moths but artificial light reduces the plant’s ability to reproduce and draw moths away from the flowers. So, you can put a cloth on a lamp and use a colored light bulb. Some moth species are active during the daylight hours and are commonly mistaken for butterflies. As we know that moths won’t cause harm to humans so in several countries people eat moths as a snack or a meal. If you want to control the moth species at your home then hire the best pest control. Our professionals use the proper tools to control moth problems so you can trust the professionals. 

Moths, which are winged insects, play a significant role in pollination. In the United States, there are close to 11,000 species.

Moth larvae are capable of eating through fabrics, clothing, and foodstuffs. These insects can also cause allergic reactions. Moth larvae can be easily eliminated using cleaning products, storage methods, and natural remedies. You can also hire a professional pest control company. Here are 8 ways to get rid of moths from your home.

Moth Control
Moth Control

8 methods to eliminate moths from your house:-

  1. Moth Traps

In order to prevent moths from reproducing, these products trap and kill adult moths. Moth traps are made of sticky flypaper that is coated with moth pheromones. The sticky paper keeps moths from escaping from moth traps hung in closets or kitchen cabinets where moths are most likely to nest.

  1. White vinegar

This is the natural way to control Moths The substance is an organic cleanser that can improve the pH of the surfaces it comes into contact with. Moth eggs, as well as larvae in contact with vinegar, will not thrive in an acidic environment. 

Use with caution white vinegar within the house, since it could harm certain surfaces including stone, metal countertops, and hardwood floors.

  1. Cedarwood

The use of mothballs to keep moths out of closets was once common. Among the chemicals that you are using in mothballs is naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene. They both are harmful to human health.

  1. Make sure to vacuum and dust your floors, carpets, and moldings

Clean your home using dusting cloths, a vacuum, and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to prevent debris and grime from accumulating within your home, which is a magnet for moths. Empty vacuum contents often, and wash dusting clothes regularly to prevent eggs and larvae from forming in your house.

  1. Set up a sticky trap

Cover the surface with moth pheromones that attract moths and to keep them anchored to the surface. Once they’re fixed to the surface, they are unable to escape, and eventually, they end up dying.

  1. Use the hot water and dry temperature 

Using hot water and hot drying temperatures kill the eggs and larvae in your clothes. If you must wash clothing by hand or can only use cold water and low settings, place items in the freezer for 24 hours and then wash as instructed. Dry cleaning wool items is the most effective method for killing eggs and larvae.

You can also pest control is important for business. Because they use professional techniques to kill moths

  1. Homemade spray with essential oils

Making a DIY spray made from essential oils that you can use frequently in areas that have been infested previously will help keep them out naturally. We would suggest creating the mixture rather than using only one essential oil, since the more aromatic it is, the more effective the protection against moths that are sensitive. A blend of clove, lavender thyme along with cedar essential oils will be able to do the trick.

When you adhere to our most popular essential oil recipe just can remove moths, but also scent your home and lessen stress. Don’t have a spray bottle available? The same results can be obtained by soaking cotton balls and placing them in tight nooks and crannies.

  1. It is important to properly store clothes

To avoid the possibility of a moth invasion ensure that you seal all clothing items in airtight bags. For example, storage bags that have vacuum-sealing. Also, keep the closet cool, dry, and well ventilated in order to discourage moths from laying eggs there.